North Street Neighborhood's Corner House
The Corner House is a community of friends with diverse abilities, gifts, limitations and challenges seeking to participate in the beauty of the Gospel through a shared life anchored in daily practices of prayer, mercy and welcome.
The Corner House is part of Durham, North Carolina’s North Street Neighborhood, and a home owned and supported by Reality Ministries. We were birthed from the soil of friendships cultivated in the wider Reality community. At the Corner House, we desire to enter more deeply into an alternative vision of how persons can live peaceably together under the Lordship of Jesus so that our shared life tells the story of the hospitality of God in Jesus here and now. Deeply shaped by the wisdom of the Catholic Worker movement and L'Arche communities, we desire to receive Jesus - who often appears in unexpected people, ways and forms. We yearn to be receptive to God’s presence transforming our common life. We hope to be a home and a haven that fosters an atmosphere open to God's encounter.
What’s happening in the Corner House?
· A new, peculiar sort of family, rooted in the belonging we receive in Jesus. We are currently 8 total long-term residents committed to learning how to care for and love one another. Our ages range from baby to 70. We are from Durham and Greensboro and Charlotte, and have been brought and bound together in the Spirit. Some of us live with developmental disabilities, and some of us do not. Some of us are Black and some are white. All of us are bearers of Jesus to one another and gift-givers in our little shared life.
· A Chapel space for the neighborhood’s rhythm of daily prayer (currently morning and evening prayer each weekday) and any other times of worship for the wider community.
· A Christ Room - one bedroom remaining consistently and intentionally open in order to receive those outside our community as Jesus. This room is simple, prepared with care, watchful for Jesus, and open for short-term stays. It is also available as needed for Reality Ministries community members and visitors to the neighborhood (ie, out-of-town family or friends, respite care, etc.).
· A community garden that provides shared work and food for the home, as well as an invitational space for others to participate.
· A commitment to creatively welcoming others into our shared life (ie, community worship nights open to all, potlucks and other dinner invitations, hosting local community teachers and leaders, hub for discipleship conversations, etc.)
· A charism to embody home in a way that nurtures life to residents and guests. We attempt to live into the little way of trusting God’s presence in the tiniest of gestures and bearing our weaknesses meekly. We offer our common labor towards home-making and receive the gifts of our Corner House family members as we commit to an abiding presence in our home.
· A new, peculiar sort of family, rooted in the belonging we receive in Jesus. We are currently 8 total long-term residents committed to learning how to care for and love one another. Our ages range from baby to 70. We are from Durham and Greensboro and Charlotte, and have been brought and bound together in the Spirit. Some of us live with developmental disabilities, and some of us do not. Some of us are Black and some are white. All of us are bearers of Jesus to one another and gift-givers in our little shared life.
· A Chapel space for the neighborhood’s rhythm of daily prayer (currently morning and evening prayer each weekday) and any other times of worship for the wider community.
· A Christ Room - one bedroom remaining consistently and intentionally open in order to receive those outside our community as Jesus. This room is simple, prepared with care, watchful for Jesus, and open for short-term stays. It is also available as needed for Reality Ministries community members and visitors to the neighborhood (ie, out-of-town family or friends, respite care, etc.).
· A community garden that provides shared work and food for the home, as well as an invitational space for others to participate.
· A commitment to creatively welcoming others into our shared life (ie, community worship nights open to all, potlucks and other dinner invitations, hosting local community teachers and leaders, hub for discipleship conversations, etc.)
· A charism to embody home in a way that nurtures life to residents and guests. We attempt to live into the little way of trusting God’s presence in the tiniest of gestures and bearing our weaknesses meekly. We offer our common labor towards home-making and receive the gifts of our Corner House family members as we commit to an abiding presence in our home.
Read More About Our Life Together...
Christmas 2018
We receive great delight in guests and gifts of all sorts, particularly shared meals and conversations. Please reach out to [email protected] or stop by so we can connect.